The Factory Act Compliances began with the setting up the plant and the hours of labour and sanitation, age of commencing work, protection against accidents, mealtimes and holidays, the methods of remuneration, to the rate of wages and how often a work space must be lime washed. The Factory Inspectors can examine workspace anytime and declare fines for violation of any labour laws and regulations. Apex HR is experts in handling diverse requirement of the Factory Act compliances with an efficient sizeable team of compliance and labour law experts. From a new factory set up to future expansion plan in existing factory,  Apex HR is ever ready to address your queries and help you with every statutory or labour requirement enabling you a surety of full compliance with 100% peace of mind.

Our Services! What We Do.

  • Registration/Amendment/Renewal/Exemptions/Permission under the Factory Act, 1948 and The Building &Other Construction Workers (R.E &C) Act 1996.
  • Computerized statutory records and Late Night Women Working Permission.
  • Factory Licence, Factory building Plan and Standing Order Approval.
  • Issuance of Assessment/NOC under the Building &Other Construction Workers (R.E &C) Act 1996.
  • Issuance of Registration Certificate under Contract Labour Act and under BOCW Act.
  • Maintaining Notice Board Compliances under applicable labour laws.
  • Monthly Statutory Data Processing, Documentation & Submissions.
  • Periodical preparation & submission of all statutory registers & returns as per statutory periodicity.
  • Liaising with Government Authorities during or after inspections / visits or otherwise
  • Support in drafting responses to Government Notices & Observations
  • Labour Laws Compliances Audits of Vendors